Often our rhythm of life puts its mark on the body, giving rise to physical and mental fatigue. Fighting them through a hydromassage session may be the most convenient option. Through the combination of heat, massage and water, hydrotherapy is the ideal way to get rid of stress or pain. At the same time by hydromassage, the muscles are toned, and the metabolism is accelerated by helping to lose weight.
It is considered an excellent choice, because the salt wall emits in the atmosphere negative ions of calcium, magnesium, selenium and iodine, which have the role of regenerating the body. The therapy stimulates immunity, prevents colds and seasonal allergies. It is also effective in treating respiratory tract disorders.
For a deep cleaning of the skin and the elimination of toxins from the body, a wet sauna is the best choice. Simultaneous action of heat and humidity relaxes the muscles and generates well-being. It is the best way of purifying the body from harmful substances.
Water is the source of life! Here the sensory experience takes precedence, the revival of the body being done in cold and warm agreements, at different temperatures and pressures. Helps to hydrate and regenerate the skin, being recommended for use after sauna sessions.
When was the last time you spent a few moments exclusively for yourself?! We urge you to do it now! A space sprinkled with diffused lights, beautiful flavors and meditation music, envelops you in a great atmosphere to achieving balance and charging you with energy. It is a journey you take with you and for you.
Used over time to harmonize your body and mind, massage is considered an integral part of your spa experience. The many benefits of massage include reducing stress, improving blood circulation and a general sense of well-being.
Relaxing massage – 55 euro
Therapeutic massage – 55 euro
Facial Massage (20 min) – 35 euro
Anti-Cellulite Massage – 75 euro
Balinese massage – 65 euro